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July 2021

Security Modeling for Reliability and Resilience

Security Modeling for Reliability and Resilience

What are Security Models Information systems use security models, which are a list of operations for evaluating and authenticating security policies.  This helps to map policy goals to information systems through the specification of explicit data structures and techniques needed for implementing the said security policy. A security model can be represented in mathematical form as well as analytical ideas.… Continue readingSecurity Modeling for Reliability and Resilience

Event Driven Architecture

How to Leverage Event-Driven Architecture for Microservices with AWS

A decoupled Service-Oriented Architecture is the blueprint for a microservices architecture. So microservices applications are designed and developed as a collection of loosely coupled services with private databases each per service. But then you may use different SQL or NoSQL databases for each service as per the kind of data you store and process within each service. That means you… Continue readingHow to Leverage Event-Driven Architecture for Microservices with AWS

Save Cloud Spend

How does Kubernetes Save Cloud Spend?

Containerization of software applications is a major disruption of the decade in the IT industry. Software containers could automate deployment and management of multiple distributed applications across multiple physical and/ or virtual machines including the cloud space. In the meantime, the birth of Kubernetes could shift the developers’ focus and effort from managing machines to managing applications. Container Orchestration with… Continue readingHow does Kubernetes Save Cloud Spend?

Enterprise Microservice Architecture

How to unify under a Single Enterprise Microservices Architecture

Identify Logical Components In any IT system, three main components deal with information and data. Data objects represent logical constructs that show the data in use. Data actions refer to those commands which apply to multiple data objects to execute a task. The job to perform is the function that users want to fulfill as part of their organizational role.… Continue readingHow to unify under a Single Enterprise Microservices Architecture

secure cloud connectivity for embedded systems

The Best Way to Secure Cloud Connectivity for Embedded Systems

Devices that connect to the internet are growing each year exponentially. Arm predicts that by 2035 an astounding one trillion embedded systems will be connected to the internet. Security is paramount, and experts need to find the best ways to securely connect embedded devices to the cloud. This presents a major challenge to both developers and manufacturers. They already faced… Continue readingThe Best Way to Secure Cloud Connectivity for Embedded Systems