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October 2022

Busting Inflation with Cloud Technologies

Busting Inflation with Cloud Technologies

Cloud technologies enable businesses like yours to cut IT costs while improving the speed and quality of your applications. This white paper busts some inflationary myths around cloud computing and shows how these technologies can save you time and money. Inflation Over The Years You’ve probably heard the phrase “inflation” tossed about. Inflation is a natural element of the economic… Continue readingBusting Inflation with Cloud Technologies

Common API Gateway Request Transformation Policies

Common API Gateway Request Transformation Policies

A developer’s job apparently seems easy to the world outside who simply receives an application, finds it fit to be used or critiques it for being overly complicated, allows the application to be updated and the update to match the preference, and so on. However, while all these steps are a major part of a developer’s job description – many… Continue readingCommon API Gateway Request Transformation Policies

DevSecOps as a Service Solutions

DevSecOps as a Service Solutions

The fundamental idea of DevSecOps is that security should be included in application development from the start. This allows firms to detect and resolve vulnerabilities early in the pipeline, rather than later, when it is far more expensive and time-consuming. DevSecOps is a way of life, not simply a product. Everyone participating in your software development process, including software developers,… Continue readingDevSecOps as a Service Solutions

Ethics Governance in Artificial Intelligence software

Ethics Governance in Artificial Intelligence software

With the increased usage of artificial intelligence software comes an increased demand for governance. Of course, there is always the possibility of human mistakes and a variety of other possible causes of inaccuracy, but in some software use cases, human interaction is not required. When these situations happen, it is critical that we keep the principles that govern them in… Continue readingEthics Governance in Artificial Intelligence software