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Cloud Services Configuration

Cloud Services Configuration and Support

Cloud services configuration and support by Cloud Computing Technologies delivers excellent business and technical leadership consulting to gain the maximum business value from your cloud server installations. In the first phase of our cloud services configuration and support we conduct a discovery of your requirements along with a full in-depth assessment of your existing cloud systems, cloud applications, and cloud… Continue readingCloud Services Configuration and Support

Federal Cloud Services

Federal Cloud Service Broker

Cloud Computing Technologies, a Federal Cloud Service Broker (CSP) combines the functions of integrator, aggregator, and solution developer to maximize value and utility of cloud services. The initial consultation includes a review of existing architecture for cloud utilization and network adjustments required for secure use, good performance, and value delivery. Cloud Computing Technologies federal cloud services broker is offered through… Continue readingFederal Cloud Service Broker

Cloud Computing Really Self-service

Cloud Computing really self-service

Cloud Computing really self-service? The portion of public cloud computing infrastructure that is self-service is the management console, the cloud infrastructure, and cloud networking. The tool used for performing self-service use of cloud computing is the management console. Further information available at Cloud Computing really self service. This console allows users to create, configure, and deploy cloud resources from a… Continue readingCloud Computing really self-service

Cloud Computing Subcontractor

Cloud Computing Subcontractor

Cloud Computing Subcontractor, Cloud Computing Technologies, provides Federal and DoD prime contractors with enterprise class IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). At Cloud Computing Technologies we handle cloud related assignments and tasks in support of the overall prime contract utilizing industry standards and best practices in Federal Cloud Computing. Further information available at subcontracting in the cloud.… Continue readingCloud Computing Subcontractor

Cloud Business Innovation

Cloud enabled Business Transformation

Cloud enabled Business Transformation is the result of business leaders creating new processes, procedures and organizational structures that leverage agility, speed, and flexibility in cloud computing. As the pace of innovation accelerates, the window of market challenges shortens, requiring the agile capability of cloud computing to detect and secure the opportunity. Agility is obtained from the rapid provisioning of a… Continue readingCloud enabled Business Transformation

Computer Networking Services Mesa

Computer Networking Services Mesa

Computer Networking Services Mesa Computer Networking Services Mesa; we are dedicated to delivering superior Information Technology services and solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. Further our services are designed to reduce the cost of ownership and improve your return-on-investment. As we serve many organizations across every major industry, our primary focus is to help our clients computer networking lower their… Continue readingComputer Networking Services Mesa

Strategic Intention Cloud Computing

Strategic Intention to use Cloud Computing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 20, 2014 Contact: Dr. Alan F. CastilloCloud Computing Technologies602-443-6800 x105https://cloudcomputingtechnologies.ai Study of Leadership and Strategic Intention to use Cloud Computing by Dr. Alan F. Castillo CHANDLER, AZ – August 20, 2014 – Dr. Alan F. Castillo, President and Cloud Solutions Architect of Cloud Computing Technologies, has recently completed a doctoral study that is now available to purchase… Continue readingStrategic Intention to use Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Business

Winning Cloud Computing Business Models

The Cloud Computing business models often enhance value through streamlining efficiency and sometimes act as disruptors to industries by introducing profound changes to existing value creation and delivery. A business model defines the means to which value is created and desired outcomes. In addition, a winning business model creates superior value through refined or new concept, process, or activity. Further… Continue readingWinning Cloud Computing Business Models

Cloud Systems Administrator

Cloud Computing Architecture

Cloud Computing Architecture for Interconnected Clouds A Cloud Computing Architecture leverages a cluster of parallel and distributed cloud servers performing a computational function as a unified fully integrated resource. This cluster of cloud servers performs a utility function; serving web pages, performing database services, or delivering email for example ubiquitous to performance requirements, time limitations, delivery, scale, and costs. This… Continue readingCloud Computing Architecture

Cloud Computing Transformation

Cloud Transformation Strategy

Cloud Transformation Strategy is the combination of cloud computing innovation and business change management. Cloud computing unhinges the organization from legacy hardware that is expensive to maintain, difficult to upgrade, and limited in capability. Rather than investing into internal infrastructures, cloud computing provides unlimited computing capacity with immediate access to everyone in real-time. Yet, to tap the full innovative potentials… Continue readingCloud Transformation Strategy