Cloud Computing Disaster Recovery
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Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery

Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery (DR) brings full enterprise capabilities to small and medium enterprise at an affordable cost. Traditional hot-site or cold-site Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions require duplicate hardware and software platforms which require cost prohibitive services charges, daily fees, and incidental fees. Further, traditional tape backup solutions on large data set servers require many hours and possibly days to perform a full tape system restore. Further information available at Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery. With cloud computing for disaster recovery, the restore process is sourced from online through a secure private cloud host system. There is no need to buy and maintain costly enterprise tape storage solutions. Cloud computing disaster recovery solutions are becoming very popular because they eliminate the need for media storage and by using online recovery speeds up restorations.

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At Cloud Computing Technologies, we provide enterprise class cloud computing for disaster recovery services. If you are looking for virtualization data deduplication or replication, we have appealing, cost-effective, and reliable Cloud DR Solutions for you to consider. If availability is extremely time sensitive, we offer storage area network (SAN) to storage area network (SAN-to-SAN) replication services that offer the fastest form of fail-over in a disaster recovery situation. With our suite of cloud computing for disaster recovery solutions, Cloud Computing Technologies is your trusted partner in any emergency scenario.

Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery Solutions

Hot Site Disaster Recovery – Cloud DR solutions for most critical applications and servers
Warm Site Disaster Recovery – Critical servers and applications are brought up for DR
Hot Standby – Cost effective in standby mode yet available for DR
Planning and Consulting – Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery planning, documentation, and testing
DR Solutions for all Budgets – Effective COOP and DR solutions tailored to your budget

When choosing a Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery company, we recommend that you look a Cloud Computing Technologies and our industry leading partners AWS and Azure. At Cloud Computing Technologies we work tirelessly to ensure that your cloud computing for disaster recovery plans are perform as intended. You can rest assured that our Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery services are based upon recognized industry standards and best practices so you can achieve your continuity of operations (COOP) goals.

Contact Disaster Recovery for Small Business today for a no-obligation Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery proposal! We specialize in planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining cloud computing for disaster recovery solutions.