Deep Learning Solutions with Cloud Native Kubernetes Artificial Neural Networks
If you’ve ever wondered how platforms like Google and Amazon show you targeted product advertisements, how Netflix and Spotify recommend content, how virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri work, or how cars drive themselves, the answer lies in some form of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
It is staggering to see the extent to which so many industries have adopted artificial Intelligence. Various forms of AI Solutions have become vital parts of many businesses and our daily lives, without us even knowing it.
Deep Learning Solutions are one of the most important concepts of Artificial Intelligence that imitates the way the human brain works when it comes to processing data and creating patterns. Deep Learning has opened up infinite possibilities as it can be integrated with any process.
The Power of Deep Learning Solutions: Breaking Things Down
According to one recent study, every person generates about 1.7 megabytes of new data every single second. While this is significant, data on its own is meaningless. It’s little more than a series of countless 1s and 0s sitting on a hard drive somewhere.
What you need is a way to make sense of that data – analyzing it in a way that uncovers the true story hidden underneath. Bulk data from thousands of individuals can be analyzed to identify both general insights and irregularities, leading to many business opportunities.
The Benefits of Artificial Neural Networks
These are just some of the benefits of Artificial Neural Networks for your business:
- Maximize the utilization of your unstructured data. It doesn’t matter what type of data you’re talking about (be it picture, text or even video) or where it’s coming from, deep learning lets you obtain insights from absolutely anywhere.
- Automate more. Unlike more traditional machine learning processes that still need to be set up and executed by humans, deep learning can essentially execute feature engineering by itself. Amazon SageMaker’s Autopilot is one such tool that can save Data Scientists a lot of time, which would be otherwise spent on manually creating datasets to train Neural Networks. Not only can this help data scientists within your organization save a significant amount of work, but it will free up a tremendous amount of time as well.
- Eliminate human error. Once properly trained, deep learning models essentially become the perfect type of employee – one that doesn’t have to eat, sleep, or take a vacation. This also means that human error and costly mistakes aren’t things you have to worry about ever again. A deep learning solution can perform literally thousands of routine, repetitive tasks with consistent quality – again freeing up the valuable time of your human employees to focus on those tasks that really need them.
How does Cloud Native Deep Learning work: Under the hood
Cloud Native Neural Networks are a specialized computing model with a layered structure imitating the networked structure of neurons in the human brain. They have varying numbers of networked nodes depending on the tasks they perform. While you can have a Neural Network with a few layers, the ones used for Deep Learning can have networks that are hundreds of layers “Deep”.
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