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gsa schedule ai

The GSA Schedule AI, also known as the General Services Administration Schedule, is a vital contracting vehicle used by federal agencies to procure a wide range of products and services. This streamlined acquisition process simplifies government purchasing by pre-negotiating terms, pricing, and conditions with approved vendors. Businesses listed on the GSA Schedule have been vetted for their reliability and adherence to rigorous standards, making the procurement process efficient and transparent. Federal agencies can access a diverse array of offerings, from technology solutions to professional services, through the GSA Schedule AI. This framework promotes cost savings, reduces administrative burdens, and fosters competition among vendors. By leveraging the GSA Schedule, government agencies can expedite their procurement processes, ensuring timely access to high-quality goods and services that drive their missions forward.

Accelerate Your Supply Chain with the Cloud

Accelerate Your Supply Chain with the Cloud

Not many supply chains globally use cloud-based software to enhance their decision making and actionable input. To put simply, ‘the cloud’ is comprised of a number of services and software operations operating on the internet, instead of on-premise computers or servers. Cloud adoption is a growing strategy across a number of global industries to enhance the scalability of internet-based database… Continue readingAccelerate Your Supply Chain with the Cloud

Comparing SAML vs. OAuth vs. OpenID Connect

Comparing SAML vs. OAuth vs. OpenID Connect

As the number of ransomware and cyberattack incidents continues to increase, the debate around the importance of network and data security also continues to gain traction. From enabling multi-factor authentication to enhancing on-premises firewalls, system administrators are always on the lookout to find the best solution to keep the identities and data secure. However, choosing the best standard web protocol… Continue readingComparing SAML vs. OAuth vs. OpenID Connect

How to Enhance Your Deployment with Continuous Testing in CI_CD

How to Enhance Your Deployment with Continuous Testing in CI/CD?

Digital transformation continues to evolve, and it has forced businesses into adopting newer practices, one of which is to enhance their deployments with continuous testing in CI/CD. Balancing speed with quality is a constant struggle, and by continuous testing in CI/CD environments, it can be managed much more efficiently. To get ahead of the competition, businesses are now looking toward… Continue readingHow to Enhance Your Deployment with Continuous Testing in CI/CD?

Should Broadband Become A Municipal Utility

Should Broadband Become A Municipal Utility

Internet services are becoming increasingly widespread as it is estimated there were over 4.66 billion active Internet users across the world at the beginning of 2021. The growing footprint of the Internet raises the question of whether the Internet has become a modern necessity such as electricity, especially in some progressive cities that rely heavily on its effective operation in… Continue readingShould Broadband Become A Municipal Utility

Microservices Quarkus vs Spring Boot

Microservices Quarkus vs Spring Boot

When it comes to the most popular microservices architectures, both Quarkus and Spring Boot have established themselves as worthy contenders for the top position. They are both open-source projects, though Quarkus is developed and managed by Red Hat, whereas the credit for developing and managing Spring Boot goes to the team at Pivotal. This article will shed light on the… Continue readingMicroservices Quarkus vs Spring Boot

Microservice Testing Strategies

Microservice Testing Strategies

The microservices testing strategy involves creating an application by breaking it into smaller segments, which are considered individual services. Every module will run its process and communicate with others in a lighter system. These services are fully automated and independently deployed, ensuring that the entire system functions on its own entirely. The term microservice testing is a new one, which… Continue readingMicroservice Testing Strategies

8 Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

8 Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

Cloud computing has been widely used by large and small businesses alike for several years now. It is estimated that the use of services that are directly or indirectly connected to the cloud is associated with 92% of companies. This trend not only suggests that this adoption is here to stay but also signifies the benefits of cloud computing. Although… Continue reading8 Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses

Microservices with Jhipster

Microservices with Jhipster

Microservices are a form of JHipster application that does not have a front-end (the Angular front-end must be created on a gateway) and is set up, found, and managed using the JHipster Registry. JHipster is an open-source project that merges three incredibly effective web development structures: Spring Boot, Angular, and Bootstrap. Bootstrap was one of the first widely used web… Continue readingMicroservices with Jhipster

Minimizing Microservices Complexity with Reusable APIs

Minimizing Microservices Complexity with Reusable APIs

Modern enterprise applications are built by developers using the orchestration of a complicated web of microservices. As the range of applications and microservices grows, so do the intricacies of the orchestration. As a result, we must consider minimizing Microservices complexity with reusable APIs. Reusable APIs resolve the complexity issue by enabling various applications to be reliant on a few individual… Continue readingMinimizing Microservices Complexity with Reusable APIs

proprietary software vs. open-source software

The Support Cost Difference of Proprietary Software vs. Open-Source Software

Proprietary or open-source software – there is no simple way of finding out which software development model is for your company. Each software class has multiple pros and cons, besides other dependencies such as extensibility that can be ideal for some projects and not for others. As a project owner, one of the most challenging decisions you’ll make is examining… Continue readingThe Support Cost Difference of Proprietary Software vs. Open-Source Software