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gsa schedule ai

The GSA Schedule AI, also known as the General Services Administration Schedule, is a vital contracting vehicle used by federal agencies to procure a wide range of products and services. This streamlined acquisition process simplifies government purchasing by pre-negotiating terms, pricing, and conditions with approved vendors. Businesses listed on the GSA Schedule have been vetted for their reliability and adherence to rigorous standards, making the procurement process efficient and transparent. Federal agencies can access a diverse array of offerings, from technology solutions to professional services, through the GSA Schedule AI. This framework promotes cost savings, reduces administrative burdens, and fosters competition among vendors. By leveraging the GSA Schedule, government agencies can expedite their procurement processes, ensuring timely access to high-quality goods and services that drive their missions forward.

Why Agile Fails

Failure to Launch: Why Agile Fails

Agile is quickly becoming the industry norm across various markets. This is driven by the hyper-competitive nature of today’s business environment. Organizations have discovered that leaner competitors are chipping away at their profits with ease. Most of these competitors have been using Agile methodologies to compete with organizations almost ten times their size. Of course, larger players are now catching… Continue readingFailure to Launch: Why Agile Fails

What is an API

What is an API? | An Introduction to Application Program Interfaces

For people outside the tech industry, an API is an obscure concept that’s often misunderstood. Businesses that serve users over the internet often package their APIs as products; for example, access to Bloomberg’s server API requires an active account on Bloomberg and runs a company upwards of thousands of dollars. What role does the API play for the companies that… Continue readingWhat is an API? | An Introduction to Application Program Interfaces

8 Keys to Fail-proof App Modernization

8 Keys to Fail-proof App Modernization

We’re living in the digital era where everything is digital around us, and as our digital world continues evolving, your legacy apps must follow suit. Today, consumers are tech-savvy and demand innovative and advanced services, which forces businesses to undergo digital transformations of their systems and legacy apps. Therefore, it is essential to include plans for Fail-proof modernization of your… Continue reading8 Keys to Fail-proof App Modernization

Cloud AI Managed Power Infrastructure

Cloud AI Managed Power Infrastructure

The power grid is as crucial to the modern world as oxygen. However, it is something that does not usually take an important spot in our minds until it malfunctions. Climate change has been causing severe weather events around the world in the last few years, and previously hidden weaknesses of power the power infrastructure have come to a clear… Continue readingCloud AI Managed Power Infrastructure

Top 5 API Security Threats Best Practices

Top 5 API Security Threats Best Practices

As there has been an increase in the use of APIs, there has also been a growing demand to adopt safety measures to avoid security risks and secure your APIs. However, it is gradually becoming challenging to protect your APIs, but companies are taking measures to safeguard their data and their organization from potential attackers. Listed below are the top… Continue readingTop 5 API Security Threats Best Practices

Scrum a Framework to Achieve

Scrum | A framework to achieve (when it isn’t marred by misleading metrics)

If you’re familiar with the Scrum framework, you’ll know that it’s an agile approach to project management that helps software teams worldwide tackle increasingly complex projects. Despite the common perception that it’s inherently linked to software development, Scrum is actually a philosophy of work, a way of thinking about and breaking down tasks that focuses on adaptability and quick turnovers.… Continue readingScrum | A framework to achieve (when it isn’t marred by misleading metrics)

computer codes

Difference Between the Three Types of Microservices

Microservices are an essential part of computing technology. It has gained much popularity and is now considered important in developing a robust architectural approach. In simpler terms, microservices refer to designing a software system that combines loosely coupled services. Instead of using a monolithic approach, software developers are increasingly inclining towards using the microservices architecture. The services in the microservices… Continue readingDifference Between the Three Types of Microservices

Cyber security is an essential component to maintain the integrity of the financial market as it can be used to protect sensitive data and information

Top Cybersecurity Trends In The Financial Market

The global financial services market is worth $22.5 trillion, and it is growing rapidly while also making up about 1/4th of the world’s economy. This is a high stakes industry, and it consists of several service providers, including banks, investment firms, mutual funds, credit card issuing companies, and leasing companies that provide management of financial assets and retain customer details… Continue readingTop Cybersecurity Trends In The Financial Market

Broken Access Control

Preventing Broken Access Control

Modern applications rely on a complex web of components to carry out their functions. Allowing apps to function within this complex ecosystem without compromising security has been the biggest challenge for security administrators everywhere. Thanks to the advent and adoption of modern technology like cloud computing and IoT, applications and programs can no longer function in isolation. There is a… Continue readingPreventing Broken Access Control

technical debt type

Managing Technical Debt – A Brief Guide

We’re all familiar with the concept of debt. Most economies around the world today are built around the concept of credit and debt.  A debt, simply put, is an obligation to pay an amount that you are receiving in the present. There are many reasons people go into debt, but the central principle is to fulfill an immediate need each… Continue readingManaging Technical Debt – A Brief Guide