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Microservices represent a transformative paradigm in software architecture, revolutionizing the way applications are developed and deployed. In this approach, applications are broken down into smaller, loosely coupled services that can be independently developed, deployed, and scaled. Microservices enable teams to work on specific functionalities, fostering agility and innovation. With granular services communicating via APIs, applications become more modular, resilient, and scalable. Leading companies adopt microservices to accelerate development cycles, improve fault tolerance, and enhance user experiences. By embracing microservices, organizations gain the flexibility to adapt rapidly to changing requirements, while optimizing resource utilization and ensuring seamless application evolution.

Top Patterns for Microservices

Top Patterns for Microservices

Microservices have been rapidly rising in popularity for application building in today’s market. The reason for that is simple. They can solve a considerable number of persistent challenges in a swift manner. However, they do come along with specific challenges, and even the most skilled professionals can sometimes face obstacles while leveraging a microservices architecture. For this reason, developers can… Continue readingTop Patterns for Microservices

Best approach to Troubleshooting Microservices

Best Approach to Troubleshooting Microservices

You may well be aware that, in general, applications and software are developed to be monoliths. Still, as technology has advanced, these processes have been replaced by Microservices since they are now outdated. There are various Microservices used to form an API, which helps perform different functions and build a strong enterprise application or software. Microservices have allowed developers to… Continue readingBest Approach to Troubleshooting Microservices

Microservices Swim Lane Best Practices Image

Microservices Swim Lane Best Practices

Microservices architecture is what everyone wants these days, but if you can introduce swim lane into the architecture, it becomes a much more cohesive unit. The best part about swim lanes is that they can form into individual units and allow you to take apart from the Microservices architecture and look at it holistically. You won’t gain much by not… Continue readingMicroservices Swim Lane Best Practices

How to Design a Self-Contained Microservice

How to Design a Self-Contained Microservice

A self-contained Microservice is one that has all the narratives of a traditional Microservices architecture. The self-contained nature of the deployment ensures that there are multiple pieces that are tied together as one. Designing a self-contained Microservice takes a lot of work because there are so many moving parts embroiled into one. Everyone wants a Microservice architecture because by design,… Continue readingHow to Design a Self-Contained Microservice

How to Isolate Fault in Microservices with Swim Lanes

How to Isolate Fault in Microservices with Swim Lanes

The Microservices architecture is one where there are several benefits to be gained from the overall scope to the entirety of its existence. However, there are faults in the architecture that must be dealt with periodically to ensure that everything goes smoothly. There are many instances when faults develop in the Microservices architecture and it is then left to the… Continue readingHow to Isolate Fault in Microservices with Swim Lanes

How to Design Resilience Into Microservices Architecture

How to Design Resilience Into Microservices Architecture

There are a number of ways through which a business can ensure that its microservices architecture is efficiently integrated with resilience and that when a single component gets subjected to failure, it does not cause the entire microservices chain to collapse. When it comes to a monolithic application, the whole application can potentially be brought down with only a small… Continue readingHow to Design Resilience Into Microservices Architecture

Removing complexity in microservices

How to Keep Complexity Out Of Microservices

Microservice-based systems are gaining popularity in the industry. It is not strange given the potential of short development times, continuous deployment cycles, and a scalable, impactful component model for software systems. However, there is a downside. Things can quickly spiral out of control. How do you maintain control as the number of microservices, messages, and interconnections between them grow? How… Continue readingHow to Keep Complexity Out Of Microservices

Securing Cloud Native Applications

Securing Cloud Native Applications

Cloud native technologies are the talk of the town today and are being adapted by organizations all over the globe. Cloud-native applications are now based on serverless platforms and containers, and make it easier for organizations to automate and optimize tasks that were previously managed on legacy systems. Cloud native technologies are known to bring forth a number of benefits… Continue readingSecuring Cloud Native Applications

Maximizing Profits With Microservices

Maximizing Profits With Microservices

A number of organizations have been adopting the microservices architecture for quite some time now, and the rise in its popularity is only gaining momentum. The flexibility of the architecture that is based on microservices against the rigidity of monolithic applications is what is driving this increase in adoption. Several web giants, such as The Guardian, PayPal, Twitter, Netflix, and… Continue readingMaximizing Profits With Microservices

Comparing SAML vs. OAuth vs. OpenID Connect

Comparing SAML vs. OAuth vs. OpenID Connect

As the number of ransomware and cyberattack incidents continues to increase, the debate around the importance of network and data security also continues to gain traction. From enabling multi-factor authentication to enhancing on-premises firewalls, system administrators are always on the lookout to find the best solution to keep the identities and data secure. However, choosing the best standard web protocol… Continue readingComparing SAML vs. OAuth vs. OpenID Connect