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Microservices represent a transformative paradigm in software architecture, revolutionizing the way applications are developed and deployed. In this approach, applications are broken down into smaller, loosely coupled services that can be independently developed, deployed, and scaled. Microservices enable teams to work on specific functionalities, fostering agility and innovation. With granular services communicating via APIs, applications become more modular, resilient, and scalable. Leading companies adopt microservices to accelerate development cycles, improve fault tolerance, and enhance user experiences. By embracing microservices, organizations gain the flexibility to adapt rapidly to changing requirements, while optimizing resource utilization and ensuring seamless application evolution.

What is an API

What is an API? | An Introduction to Application Program Interfaces

For people outside the tech industry, an API is an obscure concept that’s often misunderstood. Businesses that serve users over the internet often package their APIs as products; for example, access to Bloomberg’s server API requires an active account on Bloomberg and runs a company upwards of thousands of dollars. What role does the API play for the companies that… Continue readingWhat is an API? | An Introduction to Application Program Interfaces

computer codes

Difference Between the Three Types of Microservices

Microservices are an essential part of computing technology. It has gained much popularity and is now considered important in developing a robust architectural approach. In simpler terms, microservices refer to designing a software system that combines loosely coupled services. Instead of using a monolithic approach, software developers are increasingly inclining towards using the microservices architecture. The services in the microservices… Continue readingDifference Between the Three Types of Microservices

reduce pickup times

Reducing Pull Request Pickup Time

Cycle time is defined as the amount of time taken by a developer to complete the assigned tasks. For development managers, high cycle times can mean inefficient operations. Inefficient operations not only hurt the end product but also create chaos in daily operations. Development teams that manage cycle times efficiently naturally outperform their rivals. The key to success for development… Continue readingReducing Pull Request Pickup Time

Site Palette is one of the best six Chrome and VS code extensions for backend developers

Top 6 Chrome And VS Extensions For Backend Developers

Beginner or expert, the extensions you use to design your app are crucial. The codes must be user-friendly, scalable, and, most importantly: meet your needs. Staying updated with all the coding upgrades is another vital factor. If you need tips about code extensions, this blog is especially for you. Read till the end to find out the best six chrome… Continue readingTop 6 Chrome And VS Extensions For Backend Developers

Top 5 Secure Coding Methods

Top 5 Secure Coding Methods

When you hire a construction team to build you a high rise, you expect them by default to ensure every precaution and safety while working and once the building becomes functional. You don’t want a caution tape on the front door telling people that the structural integrity of the building is compromised and hence, deemed unusable. Interestingly enough, software developers… Continue readingTop 5 Secure Coding Methods

All application development companies should adopt modern application development best practices

Five Modern Application Development Best Practices

The last few years have seen significant changes in the way modern application development companies deliver utility and value to their customers. The pace of the changes they make to their services and products has also accelerated. There used to be a time when only technology companies were tech companies. But now, every company, in all industries, is becoming one… Continue readingFive Modern Application Development Best Practices

Including AI is one of the top 5 software development trends that software houses should invest in!

Top 5 Software Development Trends You Need To Follow Today

IT industry is the sector that experiences evolutions every passing second. The best way to expand your clients is by showing that you’re different from your competitors. Let your uniqueness shine through as the software development techniques and procedures you implement. The best way to begin is by understanding the top 5 software development trends. 2021 and 2022 software industries… Continue readingTop 5 Software Development Trends You Need To Follow Today

Leverage Domain Driven Design for Microservices

Leverage Domain-Driven Design for Microservices

Among many of the software development approaches, Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a strategy that eases communication, improves flexibility, and emphasizes Domain over the interface. Domain-Driven Design focuses on the growth and evolution of programming a domain model that has a strong knowledge of the methods and rules of a domain. It carefully structures the business domain in software. The Domain-Driven… Continue readingLeverage Domain-Driven Design for Microservices

What is Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes?

Almost every organization today utilizes internal applications to maximize efficiency, coordinate between teams, and increase effectiveness. Part of the reason that modern businesses are so competitive is thanks to this use of technology and applications. Of course, using applications isn’t the hard part of the equation. The difficulty is in maintaining the supporting equipment, retraining staff to use leverage the… Continue readingWhat is Kubernetes?

How to Cut Legacy Systems into MicroServices Software

How to Cut Legacy Systems into MicroServices

Legacy systems are obsolete computing software applications or hardware that is still in use. However, their worn-out technology does not permit the systems to cooperate with the latest and modern systems. In addition, these systems may affiliate with terminology or processes that are no longer appropriate to present-day contexts or content. Many businesses and organizations use legacy systems to fulfill… Continue readingHow to Cut Legacy Systems into MicroServices