Microservices have been rapidly rising in popularity for application building in today’s market. The reason for that is simple. They can solve a considerable number of persistent challenges in a swift manner. However, they do come along with specific challenges, and even the most skilled professionals can sometimes face obstacles while leveraging a microservices architecture. For this reason, developers can develop various reusable solutions to enhance the application’s performance by exploring these problems for common patterns. In this article, we will take a look at some of the top patterns for microservices that are critical for success.
Top Patterns for Microservices
Aggregator Pattern
In the world of computing, the aggregator is a program or website that accumulates and displays data that is related. When it comes to microservices patterns, a basic web page that looks to achieve the needed functionality or collect the required information by invoking different services is deemed as an aggregator. The aggregator pattern is instrumental when there is a need for an output that is a combination of data extracted from various different services, as the output source is divided by disbanding the monolithic architecture into microservices.
If there are two different services with unique databases, an aggregator with a distinctive transaction ID would extract information separately from each microservice and publish it as a REST endpoint after applying business logic to it. The respective services will then consume the collected data later on, as per their requirements. The aggregate pattern leverages the DRY principle, enabling the business logic to be aggregated into service and abstracted into a composite microservice.
This means that you can scale two different services independently and simultaneously by offering the composite microservice of the collected data.
API Gateway Pattern
Each microservice is built in a way that it has its own functionality. However, developers can face specific problems when an application gets disbanded into more minor autonomous services. These problems include:
- Handling multiple protocol requests.
- Transforming data with respect to the requirement of the consumer from microservices that are reusable.
- For responding to a single backend database service, different data is required by different UI.
- Requesting information from various different microservices.
An API gateway pattern, one of the top patterns for microservices, can remediate these issues along with several other problems. It can be used to route a request to the relevant microservice by being considered as the proxy service. Furthermore, it can also aggregate results to the consumer or composite service after sending the request to various services. API gateway pattern develops fine-grained APIs for various clients as well along with serving as the entry point to all microservices.
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Chained Responsibility Pattern
Also known as the chain of responsibility pattern, the chained responsibility pattern produces a set of multiple chained outputs as a single output. Suppose you have a chain or lineup of three services. The first service will receive the request from the client and communicates it with the second one along with collecting data. The second service will then communicate the request with the next one and produce a consolidated output. The client will have to wait until the completion of the chain as the request has to first pass through each service and generate their responses before offering the final output. Therefore, the chain should not be extended. Another vital thing to note is that the response from one service to another as well as the request does not necessarily look the same.
Asynchronous Messaging Pattern
Asynchronous messaging is one of the top patterns for microservices that mitigates the need for the client to wait for long periods of time. This is so as the communication between services in this pattern can take place simultaneously instead of sequentially. The client can send the request directly to the third service, second service, or to both at the same time. The request can also be forwarded to the first service, and its response does not need to be addressed to the service that has sent the request to it.
Event Sourcing Pattern
The event sourcing pattern is one of the top patterns for microservices that builds events pertaining to modifications in the state of an application. The events aid developers in tracking the time of changes by getting stored in a sequence. This allows you to cope with all the previous changes by being able to adjust the state of an application. You can publish the events as well from the store while simultaneously querying them for data change. The presentation layer shows changes within the state of the application after the publishing of events.
Branch Pattern
The branch microservice pattern allows you to process responses as well as requests at the same time from multiple individual microservices. Unlike the chained pattern, where the request runs sequentially, the branch pattern passes the request to multiple mutually exclusive chains of microservices. The pattern offers the flexibility of producing responses from a single as well as more than one chain. For instance, in the case of an e-commerce application, the data you need may be generated with collaboration between multiple services. You can retrieve it from all sources through a branch pattern.
Decomposition Pattern
Developers create microservices with the idea of developing services that are small and have their own independent functionalities. However, logic is required to break an application down to minute individual units. Decomposition pattern, one of the top patterns for microservices, enables the decomposition of applications into small services. You can break up an application on the basis of sub-domains as well as business capability. For instance, in the case of the latter, you can decompose an e-commerce application into different services for products, customers, payment, and orders. On the other hand, decomposing it on the basis of sub-domains will allow you to have separate services for classes. So, considering the customer as a class, you will have customer support service and customer management service, etc.
These are only some of the top patterns for microservices. To enhance scalability and flexibility in terms of utilization of technologies, get in touch with Cloud Computing Technologies for efficient monolith to microservices transformation.
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