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January 2022

Cloud Provider Technology Stack

Which Cloud Provider Has The Best Technology Stack

All things are making their way to the cloud: software, products, applications, services, infrastructure, etc. It is why there are investments of over a billion dollars being done on these cloud services. This article will review the two most well-known cloud providers, their offerings, and which one stands out as the best technology stack. It is not unexpected that cloud… Continue readingWhich Cloud Provider Has The Best Technology Stack

How Is AI Changing The IT And AV Industries

How Is AI Changing The IT And AV Industries

Artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly evolving, and it is increasingly being adopted into other industries to enhance the efficiency and functionality of their operations. Every industry can benefit from AI, but specifically, industries working in the digital landscape have been allowed to benefit from the sophisticated technology that AI can offer. The benefits of incorporating AI include enhanced intelligence and… Continue readingHow Is AI Changing The IT And AV Industries

Why Agile Fails

Failure to Launch: Why Agile Fails

Agile is quickly becoming the industry norm across various markets. This is driven by the hyper-competitive nature of today’s business environment. Organizations have discovered that leaner competitors are chipping away at their profits with ease. Most of these competitors have been using Agile methodologies to compete with organizations almost ten times their size. Of course, larger players are now catching… Continue readingFailure to Launch: Why Agile Fails

What is an API

What is an API? | An Introduction to Application Program Interfaces

For people outside the tech industry, an API is an obscure concept that’s often misunderstood. Businesses that serve users over the internet often package their APIs as products; for example, access to Bloomberg’s server API requires an active account on Bloomberg and runs a company upwards of thousands of dollars. What role does the API play for the companies that… Continue readingWhat is an API? | An Introduction to Application Program Interfaces