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September 2022

AWS Solutions and IoT Best Practices

AWS Solutions and IoT Best Practices

IoT might be a new concept for quite a few organizations. But it’s not a recent update for most companies today. Living and operating in this competitive, globalized, and digitized environment means being prone to inventions and incorporating innovations to set yourself apart. Therefore, it’s not shocking news that IoT and AWS solutions are taking the world by storm with… Continue readingAWS Solutions and IoT Best Practices

When Legacy IT Becomes a Drag-Cloud Is Inevitable

When Legacy IT Becomes a Drag-Cloud Is Inevitable

A company’s digital transformation may be accelerated by migrating old systems to the cloud architecture and optimizing the storage resources that go along with it. However, as the pandemic continues, more businesses are going to find exactly how confined they are to have an IT system that cannot handle a remote workforce. Legacy IT systems, apps, and software platforms are… Continue readingWhen Legacy IT Becomes a Drag-Cloud Is Inevitable

How Zero Trust Architecture Is A Superior Security

How Zero Trust Architecture Is A Superior Security

Zero-trust architecture is gaining popularity within organizations that are always under threat of a sophisticated cyber-attack. Cyber-attacks nowadays can bypass traditional security methods and then have access to all the sensitive and private information a company holds. Even though the implementation of a zero-trust architecture is not exactly easy and requires constant maintenance, this form of security can help organizations… Continue readingHow Zero Trust Architecture Is A Superior Security

Enhance Knowledge Worker Productivity with AI Cloud Collaboration Platform

Enhance Knowledge Worker Productivity with AI Cloud Collaboration Platform

Latest AI features that recognize meaning, concepts, and context are creating surprising opportunities for machines and knowledge workers to collaborate. Researchers can now add value to AI quality control, fine-tuning, and training. Systems can support the human workforce’s knowledge and experience and, in certain cases, effectively support experts. Such systems are going to prove to be more reliable than previous… Continue readingEnhance Knowledge Worker Productivity with AI Cloud Collaboration Platform