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March 2023

AWS CloudFront CDN

Amazon AWS CloudFront CDN Implementation Service

Amazon AWS CloudFront CDN Implementation Service is a content delivery network (CDN) service that delivers web content to users with high speed and low latency. It is used to improve the performance of websites and web applications by caching static and dynamic content in multiple locations around the world. CloudFront CDN Implementation Service speeds up the delivery of your website’s… Continue readingAmazon AWS CloudFront CDN Implementation Service

Multi-region active architecture on AWS

Ways to Build a Multi-region active architecture on AWS

When creating and constructing services, reliability and resilience are crucial. REST APIs are frequently used in businesses to activate IoT devices and keep them connected to the internet. This service requires the maximum uptime attainable. So, let’s discuss active architecture on AWS, why they are important, and how to build them. What is an Active-Active Architecture? An active-active architecture is… Continue readingWays to Build a Multi-region active architecture on AWS

AWS EKS Design and Deployment

Amazon AWS EKS Design and Deployment Service

AWS EKS is a managed service that makes it easy for you to deploy, scale, and manage Kubernetes applications on AWS. Amazon EKS runs the latest version of Kubernetes and provides you with built-in integration with other AWS services, such as Amazon VPC, IAM, and CloudWatch. With Amazon EKS, you can focus on your applications and let AWS handle the… Continue readingAmazon AWS EKS Design and Deployment Service

AWS Lambda Implementation

Amazon AWS Lambda Implementation Service

Amazon AWS Lambda Implementation Service is a cloud-based service that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. You can use Lambda to build applications that respond to events and invoke functions that process data. With Lambda, you can implement solutions quickly and easily without having to worry about provisioning or managing server infrastructure. Lambda is a compute… Continue readingAmazon AWS Lambda Implementation Service

cloud infrastructure management

What Comes Under Cloud Infrastructure Management?

Cloud Infrastructure includes all the software and hardware elements required for cloud computing and it consists of the following: There are various types of cloud infrastructure that come with a user interface (UI) to manage all these virtual resources. IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service is this model’s accessible and prominent example. When you use IaaS, an enterprise or a… Continue readingWhat Comes Under Cloud Infrastructure Management?

AWS RDS Database Maintenance

Amazon AWS RDS Database Maintenance Service

Amazon RDS Database Maintenance Services provides you with a managed service that helps you keep your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases up-to-date and running smoothly. With this service, you can schedule regular database maintenance tasks, such as backing up your databases and applying security patches, during a time that is convenient for you. In addition, Amazon RDS Database Maintenance… Continue readingAmazon AWS RDS Database Maintenance Service

AWS RDS Database Migration

Amazon AWS RDS Database Migration Service

Amazon AWS RDS Database Migration Service is a cloud-based service that helps you migrate your databases from on-premises to the cloud. The service supports both relational and non-relational databases and provides a simple way to automate the process of migrating your data. It also allows you to keep your data in-sync across multiple environments, making it easy to maintain a… Continue readingAmazon AWS RDS Database Migration Service