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Where Did Cloud Start And How Did We Get Here Today

Where Did Cloud Start And How Did We Get Here Today

Cloud computing has revolutionized the world as we know it. Cloud is involved in nearly every aspect of our lives now, and the way we function in this decade is something our ancestors had never even dreamed of! Cloud is also evolving at nearly lightning speed even now, and its prospects are unreal. Which, of course, begs the question, where… Continue readingWhere Did Cloud Start And How Did We Get Here Today

The Top 5 Load Balancers for Microservices

The Top 5 Load Balancers for Microservices

For several years, application delivery controllers (ADCs) have been critical in meeting service-level requirements for enterprise applications implemented on-premises or in the cloud. A client communicating with a microservices-based app does not have to know about the occurrences that are supporting it to scale the client and microservices independently of each other. It is exactly the type of decoupling provided… Continue readingThe Top 5 Load Balancers for Microservices

What are Microservices

What are Microservices

Microservice architecture, often known as Microservices, creates software systems in which a single application is structured as a series of loosely linked services. Applications usually start as a monolithic architecture and then evolve into a series of interconnected microservices over time. Let’s look deeper into what are Microservices. What Is a microservices? The main concept behind Microservices is that breaking… Continue readingWhat are Microservices

Top 10 Microservices Development Tools

Top 10 Microservices Development Tools

Microservices is an architectural style that broadens the possibilities of applications, especially for businesses, government services, charities, and educational institutes. Since it is an architectural style, applications are built to incorporate this style in various ways. The various ways are achieved through tools. While no single tool answers all questions or provides solutions to all issues of an application, different… Continue readingTop 10 Microservices Development Tools

Top 5 cloud innovations driving efficiency

Top 5 cloud innovations

There is no denying that cloud computing has been leading businesses towards a bright future for several years now. Although cloud technology is itself extremely innovative, there are cloud innovations as well that have emerged in the market as front-runners. These top 5 cloud innovations have drastically changed the processes of organizations and the ways in which businesses function. More… Continue readingTop 5 cloud innovations

Coding in Microservices Really Fast

Is Coding in Microservices Really Fast?

Microservices are the future, and using them in application development can result in really fast coding. Still, when you break up applications into different pieces, it poses another set of problems. So, how can microservices benefit an organization? The coding speed will be increased, as will the time to market, but other facets can complicate the entire proceeding. This article… Continue readingIs Coding in Microservices Really Fast?

Top 10 Skills To Succeed In Cloud Computing

Top 10 Skills To Succeed In Cloud Computing

Cloud technology is the present savior of the world during the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is the future of technology. Cloud computing is an ever-evolving technology that many giant corporations of the world now heavily rely on. Some of these include Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. The three main services offered by Cloud Technology include the following: Being able to utilize… Continue readingTop 10 Skills To Succeed In Cloud Computing

How to Fail Fast and Fail Often

How to Fail Fast and Fail Often

How many times have we seen organizations shy away from technology due to their fear of failure? The fear within managers, organizations and boards as a whole can lead to undue fear and emotional responses. Companies like Nokia, Blackberry, Amazon OS and Kodak all missed out on global dominance, because they feared repercussions and didn’t focus on a fail fast… Continue readingHow to Fail Fast and Fail Often

Best time to move to cloud is now

Best time to move to cloud is now

The simple answer to the question, when should you move to the cloud is ‘Now.’ There are a number of reasons why businesses and organizations should not delay migrating to the cloud. Cloud technologies are capable of bringing out the true capabilities and potential of a business along with offering it new growth opportunities. Cloud computing can render a business… Continue readingBest time to move to cloud is now

Minimize Common Supply Chain Risk with Cloud

Minimize Common Supply Chain Risk with Cloud

No type of provider can avoid the risks of a global supply chain today. Even with the growing addition of security across the supply chain, risks exist across ocean, land and air freight. These risks are often unavoidable and inevitable for global supply chain businesses since there is no way around them. A poor understanding of hazards and complications across… Continue readingMinimize Common Supply Chain Risk with Cloud