LR101 Deep Learning Solution Architect I


Deep Learning Solution Architect I, Cloud Computing Technologies Agile Development Labor Rate designs, develops, and implements innovative software architectures that can be used in building, analyzing, and prototyping important deep learning, machine learning, and data analytic algorithms and applications for all devices. Deep Learning Solution Architect I assess deep learning system architectures to detect errors that could pose security threats inherent in codes and algorithms.

SKU: LR101 Categories: , ,

Deep Learning Solution Architect I, Cloud Computing Technologies Agile Development Labor Rate designs, develops, and implements innovative software architectures that can be used in building, analyzing, and prototyping important deep learning, machine learning, and data analytic algorithms and applications for all devices. Collaborate with organizational Artificial Intelligence (AI), software development, product research, market research, and customer support teams to design business operation solutions through adequate machine learning and deep learning initiatives. Have full knowledge of the interactions between software and hardware architectures on the performance and efficiency (optimization) of organizational system algorithms and applications. Capable of utilizing deep learning knowledge in developing automated systems that simplify organizational operations. May have a Bachelor degree or Doctorate degree in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering, information technology, or any other related technical fields. Possess a track record of designing deep learning architectures that accelerate the computation of in-demand algorithms and applications. Possess strong technical foundation in machine learning and deep learning technologies such as Caffe, MxNet, TensorFlow, and Theano; GPU computing such as CUDA and OpenCL; and HPC technologies such as MPI and OpenMP. Proficient in programming languages such as C, C++, R, Python, Java, Perl, and so on. Have strong understanding of complex computer architectures, system performance modeling, system profiling, and system analysis. Capable of carrying out system or application comparison studies and document and publish system analysis results. Capable of designing and implementing deep learning systems that are able to work and learn from data acquired from end users without any human supervision or control. Deep Learning Solution Architect I assess deep learning system architectures to detect errors that could pose security threats inherent in codes and algorithms. Deep Learning Solution Architect I work under the supervision of the Senior Deep Learning Solution Architect.

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